Our Services


Do you struggle to parent your child effectively?
Has your child experienced a loss or tragedy?
Does your child seem more sensitive, reactive or spirited than other children?
Does your child struggle with peer relationships or experience bullying?
Do you find it hard to relate to your child?
Does your teenager seem more withdrawn or aggressive than others?

Therapy with children and adolescents is not as simple as applying strategies used for adults in a child-friendly way. The unique needs of children and adolescents require specialized approaches that understand and respect human development and, therefore, require specialized expertise.

Not all children fit the models provided in popular parenting books so instead of trying to fit your child into a mould, consult with a specialist who can help you create a model that perfectly fits for your child.

My job is to help parents and caregivers better understand their children and help them to relate in a way that optimizes family functioning. With the support of a skilled therapist children can learn new skills, overcome difficult or traumatizing experiences, and lay the foundation to be the best version of themselves.

Areas of concern:
Behavioural struggles
Domestic violence
School difficulties
Attention problems
Difficulties with peers