Hello! Welcome to my first blog entry.
Joining the blogosphere is a little intimidating. There are so many demands competing for our time on a day to day basis and if you’re like me, if the first couple of lines of any online article doesn’t catch my attention I’m gone. That’s a lot of pressure!
In the months to come I hope to keep this blog relevant, interesting and easy to read. So today, is just a little about me. After working for and learning from other (fantastic) people for a long time I decided that it was time to follow my dream and jump into my own private practice. There are so many other great therapists in Calgary and I truly believe that the variety of expertise in this city adds to its richness. As I’ve started out on my own many people have asked me what sets me apart from all those others? The truth is, that’s a hard question to answer. A large part of what works in counselling is the relationship between therapist and client but training and experience matters. What I can say is that I have had the great honour of being trained by some of the most respected experts in the field of child and adolescent therapy. That training culminated by becoming fully registered by the Association of Play Therapy (www.a4pt.org). Play therapy is a specialty recognized the world over as a developmentally sensitive approach to working with children in therapy. More on this in future blogs….. I also completed a certificate in Expressive Arts Therapy. This expanded my toolbox for working with adolescents, adults and families.
I believe strongly in lifelong learning and so I continue to seek out opportunities to learn and deepen my knowledge by attending courses, workshops and regular consultation.
I often find it hard to describe to people what I do in my office every day. There’s no simple explanation but people are curious because it’s a little mysterious to them. “So you don’t have a couch?”, people ask. No, no couch, just comfy chairs. “It must be so hard to listen to people’s problems all day”, people say. It is, but it’s not. It’s humbling is what it is. It sounds so cliche but it is true! I’m always touched and amazed at the courage that my clients have when they sit across from me and allow themselves to become vulnerable; to witness the moment someone gains important insight about their life or makes a decision to change something. I work hard every day to ensure that I am worthy of that honour.
Thanks so much for checking out my site. Stay tuned for future posts on play therapy, brain development, parenting struggles and more!